In order to ensure the safety of our products and their highest quality we apply HACCP production standards.
The HACCP itself is a system for self-control and hazard analysis and critical control points in the production and distribution of our products.

In order to protect the environment, and in accordance with our legal obligations, we have entered into an agreement with Pakomak Skopje (a company whose core business is packaging management) with the right to use the Green Dot license – a guarantee of responsible, efficient and the most convenient management of our packaging waste.

Domashno Jajce is a synonym for a healthy food product. This is due to the unique way we produce “Domashno Jajce” – establishing a completely closed biological process.
Along with “Domashno Jajce” we also produce fresh meat and meat products. Our meat products are made exclusively from fresh meat, using the old traditional way of production. The products are WITHOUT nitrates, phosphates, glutamates, artificial colors and aromas.
Our goal is to offer healthy and 100% natural products to our customers!